Marvin Pollock
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The Ascent
Oooh yeah it’ been a long long time but I have felt this thing before Oooh, it’s been for centuries that this thing was buried deep beneath the floor But it keep’s on banging on the surface Unable to slumber step for step it’s digging up higher you can feel it coming closer you are barely keeping it together and you know if it breaks out it may stay forever so there goes another shift of dirt right on top of that unwanted passenger eventhough no one knows if it’s gift or curse push it deeper just keep ignoring the messenger But it keep’s on banging on the surface Unable to slumber step for step it’s digging up higher you can feel it coming closer you are barely keeping it together and you know if it breaks out it may stay forever And I’m waiting for the day that I can take my mask off that I can rip my head off the day that I can shout it out loud And I’m waiting … mmm .. I’m waiting I’m waiting I’m waiting for the day… Revelry – The Ascent
Stumbling In
every day is driftin by I hear them say come on it’s time it’s getting darker get ready to move the windows closing climb up to the roof motivation hard to find inspiration even harder to bind a muse is needed that much is true almost defeated but well, who are you? Who are you? YOur face is new things are changing how much is true of what I see in you And I let it all come down and I’m glad that I like to have you around I’m taking a leap of faith Even if I’m scared And eventhough I’m rushing in I hope that you’ll be there… I hope that you’ll be there… I hope that you’ll be there… Revelry – stumbling in
Shifting Colors
The world is floating by take a look out at the sky it is shifting it’s colors and forms and we are here, on our own. The more the merrier, keep up the speed. the clouds are drifting I admit defeat. Watch the whole world just, flashing by. Come on lets lose ourselves in the sky. Oh those changing Clouds are what it’s all about. Shifting from blue to grey, I don’t want them to stay, as black as they’re now. as black as they’re now As it’s getting darker more and more, I lose track of what I’m looking for all I know is I am looking for you I am in need of light that’s shining through… And there at the end of the horizon It is there, and I can set my eyes on the colors shifting the breeze drifting we’re getting slower it could be over… The clouds going… away Oh those changing Clouds are what it’s all about. Shifting from blue to grey, I don’t want them to stay, Revelry – shifting colors
From night to night I’m lying here wide awake in my bed night after night I’m trying here but you’re everywhere in my head I fell the walls coming closer evrythings closing in on me all of the sudden I’m a self exposer all is there for you to see 2x I’m lying here in the open I know it’ll be allright you just have to come a bit closer I’m hiding in plain sight Every moment I’m by my lonesome every solitary night the panic deep down is fearsome but for the first time I will put up a fight The ceilings crushing down I feel like I’m going to drown I should be afrid thats true but I will cope because of you 2x I’m lying here in the open I know it’ll be allright you just have to come a bit closer I’m hiding in plain sight Revelry – exposing
All those shattered pieces of glass are you here to fix em at last? are you trying to figure it out? – what it’s all about? stranger stranger what do you want? How come I feel this bound your presence alone seem to fill me with joy careful those pieces are not a toy so I let you come inside an let you try so I let you come inside and I hope so I let you come inside an let you try so I let you come inside and I hope to fix me familiar stranger whatch out for your hands I’ve seen before how foolishness ends are you sure you want to get involved? before I finally dissolve The sand is floating through the hour-glass let us watch and see how long ours lasts It’s defence is down an all is new I’ll turn it everytime for you So come inside and let us try So come inside and I hope we will So come inside and let us try please come inside and fix us Revelry – shattered
Wahl der Qual
Was vermag einem wohl schlechter zu bekommen? Der wachende Moment, in dem der Tor sich seine eigenen Dämonen immer und immer wieder hervorruft? Oder der schlafende, willenlose Moment, in dessen Gefilden eben diese altgeworden, bösartig, mutiert und ohne jegliche Kontrolle umhergeistern?
Du hast dich in den Wirrungen meiner Selbstzweifel veloren, verlaufen in einem Labyrinth voller Angst und Schmerz. Du bist diejenige, der ich den Weg zu zeigen vermag. Denn in mitten dieses gewaltigen Konstrukts sitze ich noch immer, nackt, voll panischer Angst, auf Dich wartend. Bitte rette mich…
Wenn die dichten Nebelschwaden sich nun langsam zurück zu ziehen beginnen… Wenn man sich bereits sehnt, nach den als bald freigelegten Weiten… Wenn man ohne zu wissen und doch mit Gewissheit, eifrig dem Verborgenen entgegenstürmt… Dem unbekannt vertrauten…
Angst vorm Meer
War ich zu langsam? zu vorsichtig? Hat mich die Angst, die ruhige See könne sich in tosende Wellen verwandeln etwa davon abgehalten mich ins Wasser gleiten zu lassen? War doch das Gefühl des am eigenen Leibe entlangfließenden Wassers immer so angenehm… Doch ich habe verlernt zu Schwimmen. Habe verlernt mich hinzugeben. Nun da mich die Flut eingeholt hat versinke ich tiefer und tiefer und während ich untergehe wird mir klar: Ja. Ich war zu langsam. Ich war zu vorsichtig. Zu Feige.